The purpose of Vector Equilibrium is to provide organisations, teams and individuals with the skills to take charge of life’s challenges and perform at the optimal efficiency – we offer consultancy, training and coaching to do just that.
The programmes, workshops and coaching are designed to enhance the effectiveness of individuals & teams and in doing so increase the productivity, efficiency and bottom line of the organisations we work with.
Individual & Team Resilience and Stress Management
We identify business and people resilience as the ‘capacity to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, challenges and adversity’.
Being resilient is not a trait but a learnable skill. Imagine training for a marathon or other physical challenge, time is spent honing muscles, endurance and skills ensuring they are ready to perform at their optimal level. Resilience is also a learned skill and we provide the tools and techniques to bring individuals physical, mental and emotional systems into balance.
These strategies transform the negative emotional and physiological effects individuals experience at the time of the event therefore inhibiting the release of the hormone cortisol and helping them ‘re-set and re-focus’.
All our resilience programmes utilise technology which demonstrates, in real-time, how heart rate variability shifts from random to coherent when a person changes from being stressed to using one of our techniques. The sensor allows everyone to practise developing their resilience capacity and highlights how quickly they can shift from an incoherent state to a more coherent state and then how long they can maintain it.
Just like physical health, we can all suffer from mental ill-health at different times of our lives. To be completely healthy we need to be both physically and mentally healthy.
Good mental health is characterised by the ability to learn, to express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions, to form and maintain good relationships and the ability to cope and manage change and uncertainty.
Both at work and home, we are all under a considerable amount of pressure to perform and this pressure can ultimately have a detrimental effect on our mental health.
We work with organisations across a range of mental health and wellbeing programmes from awareness to prevention, all of which aim to develop and promote good mental health. if you and your colleagues are in good physical and mental health, you will be more motivated, more productive, more resilient, more likely to stay with the business and, most importantly, happier.
Communication is key to the success and efficiency of organisations.
The ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill. However research shows that an estimated 70% of workplace mistakes can be traced back to problems in communication.
Words are only a small part of effective communication. There is a lot of information about our true thoughts and attitudes that is communicated through body language and tone of voice.
Working with individuals and teams we help develop the skills so everyone in an organisation can communicate effectively from C-Suite to junior staff. The techniques we develop vary from active listening, questioning, developing rapport and trust through to coherent communication.
Developing communication skills creates many benefits, such as:
- Shortens meeting times
- Creates more harmonious teams
- Aligns team members
- Reduces stress, drama and energy drains
- Fosters mutual respect and team work
Identify and analyse organisation and people needs.
We recommend running a pre-and post-assessment to identify the needs of both the organisation and their people. However, this is not essential to the programmes we offer.
Our preferred self-reporting tool is designed to reflect key psychological and workplace elements that contribute to the overall quality of an organisation’s work. The tool provides a comprehensive assessment in four main areas – Emotional Vitality and Organisational, Emotional & Physical Stress.
It is recommended the assessment is carried out both pre-and post-longer-term programmes, thus enabling the success of the intervention to be analysed and the return of investment calculated. Additionally, many organisations use and publish the outcomes to highlight their commitment to their people and the work they are undertaking in relation to wellbeing, communication and leadership.
That being said, it is not essential to run a post-assessment, some organisations opt to use the tool to gage the ‘state of the organisation’ before deciding on the content of the programme. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your needs before suggesting the best approach.
Developing a business case, strategy or development programme?
Whilst we realise this can be daunting, the case for investment and the tangible benefits of implementing programmes are staggering – positive impact on performance, engagement, recruitment and productivity, to name but a few.
We have the skills to work with organisations in helping develop business cases, strategies and tailored programmes, ensuring throughout the journey there is an opportunity to reflect and refresh where needed.
We work with organisations on an ad-hoc basis, providing, but not limited to, consultancy and documents relating to Health & Wellbeing, improving Mental Health, Stress management, Communication and Leadership:
- Internal and External Communications
- Award applications
- Tender and capability documents
- Internal policies, procedures and strategies
- Duration: 1.5/2 hours
- You will learn strategies to increase your resilience to life’s challenges. Time is spent looking at what stress means to you and how our bodies react when we are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious.
Think Clear - Recharge, Reset- Duration: 3-hours
- The programme focuses on stress, resilience and personal energy management skills. You are provided with tools and techniques to regulate the associated mental, physical & emotional symptoms associated with stress, increasing your experiences of positive thoughts and behaviours. This programme enhances your ability to maintain composure during challenges, reduce fatigue, improve your ability to think clearly, find better solutions and achieve higher outcomes.
Think Clear – Resilience Advantage- Duration: Full day
- During this interactive training you will learn simple and effective techniques to ‘bio-hack’ your stress reactions allowing you to think clearly under pressure; take charge of life’s challenges and recharge your energy throughout the day. Time is spent focusing on relationships and how we affect each other not just through our verbal or written interactions but physiologically, emotionally and energetically. Strategies are provided to improve team communication with the aim of shortening meeting times, creating aligned and more harmonious team interactions and improved relationships.
- Duration: 3 hours
- The emphasis of the workshop is to provide individuals with an understanding of mental health and wellbeing including the relationship between pressure and performance, from boredom to burnout and how different levels affect performance. Delegates explore what overwhelm, stress, and anxiety means to them and how this impacts their motivation and productivity. A key focus is on understanding how positive emotions, thoughts, behaviours enable individuals to increase & improve clarity, focus, attention span, accuracy, creativity, learning, decision making and communication skills.
Mental Health Awareness- Duration: 3 hours
- This course aims to raise awareness and equip delegates with the knowledge of mental health issues in the workplace and how they may affect employees. Employers have both a duty of care and a moral responsibility to look after the mental health of employees. This programme delivers an understanding of what mental health is, a basic knowledge of some of the common causes or mental health issues and how to deal with certain issues. Attendees will gain the confidence to deal with mental health issues and where to sign post colleagues who may need further support.
MHFA England: Half day Adult Mental Health Aware- Duration: 4 hours
- This introductory workshop raises awareness of mental health. It covers what mental health is and how to challenge the stigma associated with it, a basic knowledge of some common mental health issues, an introduction to looking after your own mental health and maintaining wellbeing and confidence to support someone in distress or who may be experiencing a mental health issue. Everyone who completes the course gets a certificate of attendance from MHFA England to say they are Mental Health Aware, a manual to refer to and a workbook including a helpful toolkit to support their own mental health.
MHFA England: Adult Mental Health First Aider- Duration: Two days (in person) / Blended learning (virtually) 4x live training sessions & self-learning
- This training is fully certified and follows the internationally recognised Mental Health First Aid England Adult course. Delegates will learn how to Identify the early stages of a mental health problem, help someone who is dealing with a mental health issue, help stop mental ill health from worsening, help someone have a quicker recovery, guide someone towards proper professional help and break the stigma of a mental health problem. Everyone who completes the course receives a certificate of attendance from MHFA England, a manual to refer to, a reference card for the Mental Health First Aid action plan and a workbook.
- Duration: as requested
- We provide both online and face to face fitness and wellbeing classes, live with an expert instructor – empowering organisations to support improved health and wellbeing, with amazing flexibility and control. Designed fitness sessions specifically for needs of the clients with the option for both live and pre-recorded sessions available.
- Sessions can include: Group online training, Group classes such as Yoga and Boxercise, Stretch and energise techniques and so forth.
Nutrition workshops- Poor nutrition may be a contributing factor in the experience of low mood and improving diet may help to protect not only the physical health but also the mental health of your employees.
- We offer the following: Nutrition planning, Group coaching on nutrition, Easy to follow healthy recipe E-Books, Educational support, or a combination of these.
Wellbeing Ambassador Development- Duration: Full or half day
- This workshop is designed to be delivered to nominated wellbeing ambassadors from an organisation. Post training, the ambassador will lead the wellbeing strategy and support & promote good mental health and wellbeing amongst employees. The workshop provides an understanding of wellbeing and its importance, in addition to providing information and tools and techniques to improv: Wellbeing domains – Mind, Body, Emotions; Resilience building strategies; Confidence to deliver internal wellbeing sessions focused on mental health, stress & emotions, health & nutrition.
- Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment provides concrete information on employee well-being and helps participants reach their health and performance potential with science-backed confidence. Firstbeat digitally models’ participants physiology over a continuous 72-hour period, measuring stress, recovery, vigorous & moderate physical activity, light physical activity, heart rate and heart rate variability. This assessment highlights the body’s natural reactions to daily activities and environmental factors in an exciting new way. The data provides an insight into work, leisure, and sleep to create a complete picture of your health and performance.
Interpersonal Energetics, Communication & Team dynamics- Duration: Half or Full day
- Based on over 25-years of scientific research, this interactive training is designed for cohorts that regularly interact with each other. The programme looks at how we affect one another, not just from verbal or written exchanges but physiologically, emotionally and energetically. Time is spent focusing on the impact of sending mixed messages and the consequences of miscommunication and drama in interactions.You will experience what ‘good’ communication feels like and how unclear communication regularly results in costly errors and mistakes. As all teams operate differently time is spent identifying communications that have/will create drama, waste time and impact the work or team environment. Techniques are practised that will improve communication and team harmony. These techniques blend well with other communication skills may have already learned.
Effective Decision making- Duration: Full day
- This programme blends a number of other topics giving you the skills to take control of yourself and make effective decisions either in the moment or over the course of a project. Given the increased complexity and speed of today’s life, it is useful to develop these skills. You are introduced to a practical understanding of intuition and how this can enhance your daily life and the decisions you make. Perspectives are provided on how intuition enhances decision-making, relationships and perceptions. You will learn techniques that facilitate problem-solving or planning from the mundane to complex business decisions.
Wellbeing Ambassador Development- Duration: Half day
- This workshop is designed to be delivered to nominated wellbeing ambassadors from an organisation. Post workshop, the ambassador will lead the wellbeing strategy and support & promote good mental health and wellbeing amongst employees. The workshop provides an understanding of wellbeing and its importance, in addition to providing information, tools and techniques to improve:
– Wellbeing domains – Mind, Body, Emotions
– Resilience building strategies
– Scientifically validated self-regulation tools and techniques to reduce stress, increase energy levels and improve health and wellbeing
– Confidence to deliver internal wellbeing sessions focused on mental health, stress and emotions, nutrition and so forth.
Mental Health & Wellbeing asset creation- For programmes to be effective we believe a ‘top down, bottom up approach’ should be taken across organisation. With that in mind, we create and distribute branded mental health and wellbeing assets which include but are not limited to, video toolbox talks, pocket cards which signpost organisations & charities employees can contact if they are concerned about their mental health as well as promotional material and targeted calendars of national and local campaigns and events.
Train-the-Trainer- You will learn the skills to deliver shortened versions of Vector Equilibrium’s programmes. Train-the-trainer programmes teach instructors, trainers or less experienced mentors the best way to deliver our training material. The yearly licence encompasses ongoing support and relevant updates, plus additional CPD days can be available throughout the year.
All of our popular programmes are accredited by the Continuous Personal Development (CPD) certification service. Individuals attending one of these programmes will receive CPD Certificate of Attendance.
Additionally, where needed, Vector Equilibrium will ensure bespoke programmes, courses and workshops are accredited.