“The Vector Equilibrium is the zero-starting point for happenings or non-happening’s; it is the empty theatre and empty circus and empty Universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience”
When you first incarnate on a microscopic level your body starts out as a single cell. Then you begin to multiply inwards at first and then expand outwards. You soon become a 4 celled organism in the form of a tetrahedron and soon, after that, you become a star tetrahedron of 8 cells. After that you become a mess of cells for a while but eventually you become a toroidal field.
The space at the very core of that field is where your first actual organ appears – your Heart.
The brain and the heart are both electromagnetic field generators, but the heart has a field that is so much more powerful than the brain. In fact, the heart is 100 x Electrically Stronger and up to 5000 x Magnetically Stronger than the Brain.
This is important because these two fields make up the reality that we exist within Electrical and Magnetic = Electromagnetic (Fields).

There has been over 25 years of study in the psychophysiology of stress, emotions and the interactions between the heart and the brain and the results that have been discovered are evolutionary, one such organisation is the Heartmath Institute.
On the technical side the Institute puts a lot of focus into understanding the spaces between each heart beat known as the Heart Rate Variability (HRV). It was once assumed in science that the heart at rest beats like a metronome – beating at a steady rhythm. Moment to moment variations in the heartbeat are still generally overlooked when it is being measured by a doctor who will take your pulse and tell you that your heart is beating, at say, 70 beats per minute.
Through the use of technology called an electrocardiogram scientist are able to measure every heartbeat in real time and learn that a healthy heart, even under resting conditions, are actually quite irregular!
In a simplified sense your heart does not beat like clockwork as it was once assumed but, even healthy hearts, tend to beat quite irregularly.

By understanding how your heart is beating we begin to have a clearer picture of our adaptability to the environmental and situational demands that we find ourselves in.
For example, if your manager tells you to do some extra work, your heart will paint a clear picture of how you are reacting. If you are ok with it your heart will maintain the same general flow that it was going in. If this new information causes you to feel stress, overwhelm or anxiety, then that will be demonstrated by the heart fluctuating into an intense chaotic mess.
These fluctuations in how your heart beats come from a variety of sources and demonstrate our Physiological Resilience and Behavioural Flexibility to our experiences.
Research carried out at the Heartmath Institute has shown that one of the most powerful factors affecting our hearts changing rhythm is our feelings and emotions.
When our varying heart rate is plotted over time the overall shape of the wave form is called the Heart Rhythm Pattern. Science has demonstrated that the emotions we experience directly affect our Heart Rhythm Pattern, and this in turn shows us how our body is functioning.

Emotions such as stress, anger, frustration and anxiety cause the Heart Rhythm Pattern to become very chaotic. This wave form looks like a series of uneven, jagged peaks.

Physiologically this shows us that the heart is not in harmony with itself. This can be likened to driving a car with one foot on the accelerator and the other foot on the brake at the same time. Possibly while trying to get from first gear to fourth and then back! This creates an incredibly jerky ride while burning more fuel and isn’t great for the car altogether.
Likewise, when your heart is functioning from a place of stress and anxiety it causes our bodies to operate inefficiently, depleting our energies and producing extra wear and tear on the whole system.
This is especially true if stress and negative emotions are prolonged or experienced often.
However, when you experience positive emotions there is a massive visible contrast. Positive emotions send a very different signal throughout our body. When we experience uplifting emotions like love, appreciation, joy and care our Heart Rhythm Pattern becomes a highly ordered smooth and harmonious wave.

It is no wonder that positive emotions feel so good. They actually help our bodies system to become more harmonious, synchronised and work better!
Furthermore, these signals have a significant effect on Brain function, influencing emotional processes as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, problem solving and communication.